Return/Exchange Policy |
We want you to be happy with the purchases you make. If you're not satisfied, you may return or exchange items within 30 days of the shipment's receipt. Please note: Any returns or exchanges must be unopened and in their original condition. We will refund your money as long as your product meets the above conditions and you include the original pack slip. For returns without the original pack slip, we issue a gift card and send it to you. . How to Return or Exchange an Item Sorry, we can't cancel or modify your order after you submit it. But it's easy to return or exchange any item. Please save your packing slip. It serves as your receipt if you need to return or exchange an item. Send Your Return/Exchange to Our Warehouse
If you don't have your packing slip, please write your order number and the reason for your return/exchange on a slip of paper you enclose in your package. Note: unless the return/exchange is due to an error, we can't refund shipping charges.
Damaged / Incorrect Items If you received a damaged or incorrect item in your order, we want to fix the problem. Just return the item directly to us, and we'll refund your money (including the original shipping charges).
Special Return Instructions for Oversized Items Some oversized items, including large playhouses, riding toys or pools may ship directly from the manufacturer. Please save your packing slip. If you need to return or exchange an oversized item, refer to the packing slip for the correct shipping address. These items will go back to the Manufacturer in most cases. |